She's Doing Fine Ramblings of a Young and Restless


Nesting, A Tale of Betrayal


My roomies and I were doing seemingly typical Thursday night things – rating engagement rings on the Tiffany website, discussing the pros and cons of raising a child on the east coast vs. the west coast (I’d want a kid with Hollywood charisma but an Ivy League education), comparing the effectiveness of Oxiclean to a trusty storebrand detergent – when it occurred to me. We are nesting. In a...

A Belated Blog’versary!


A year ago, I started this blog as my 2012 resolution to simply write more. I started writing at a young age and it soon became my primary outlet for expression. It’s true what they say about middle children – we are creepily quiet and should be kept at arm’s length. We can be found befriending house plants, peering out behind pillars, being left behind at the airport while our families board...

Party Like It’s 1991


I am officially a twenty-something. While most people have their first alcoholic beverage in their teens, I didn’t have one until just three weeks ago at the stroke of midnight on my 21st birthday, and even then I weaned into it with a Mike’s Hard Lemonade. When you tell people that you don’t drink, they often go through a series of reactions that I like to parallel with the 5 stages of grieving...

Would You Still Love Me In The Morning?


Okay so it’s been a couple of posts now and I feel like ya’ll are getting a nice idea of who I am, what irks me, yaddayaddayadda. However, I want ya’ll to know me, know me before we take this relationship to the next level. You know that guy who professes his love for you after 1 week and you’re like, hol’ up you haven’t seen me at my worst, you haven’t seen me when I have just woken up with...

Crazy Stupid Love


By now, I probably come off as someone completely void of experiencing attachment to any living species besides cats and house plants. You probably think I hit the escape button any time a guy tries to get a slice of this fine dime-piece. However, this can’t be further from the truth (okay okay, maybe it’s still a little bit true). But when I get tired of keeping up the whole Miss Emotionally...

Flirting With Disaster


I have a borderline catastrophic character flaw. I refuse to believe that a guy likes me unless he is on one knee professing his love for me with a box from Tiffany’s. Now, before you start accusing me of using this post as a way to publicly flaunt the number of boys who have fallen smitten for this dashing diva, I can assure you that’s not the point of my post (at least not...

Piano Man


Every night as I lie awake, I hear the faint melodies of the piano man. His song escapes through the walls, seeps through the vents, crawls its way under my door and cradles me under the covers.  I hear his heartbeat in each note. His anguish flows through his veins and pours out through his fingertips with the stroke of each key. Are you lonely too, I wonder as I lie in bed. “Didn’t you hear? He...

To Whom I May Have Concerned


After my seemingly depressing free write, I’ve been getting concerned messages from a few friends who probably now think I am on track to becoming a manic, self-loathing spinster. Sameen*, the boyfriend of one of my top 3 besties read my blog and told my Rx-bestie that my post broke his heart and he didn’t know I had such a lonely soul. His comment, in turn, broke my heart so I just...

Live Your Life When Nobody’s Watching


Between living at home with a family of five and sharing an apartment with three other girls, solitude is like Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar wins: much deserved but non-existent. So when I do manage to snag some alone time (and Leo, I promise your Oscar will come!) I try to cram in the things that I can only do when nobody else is around. All I Want Is Simon Cowell’s ApprovalOne of my...

A Little Determination and Desperation Goes A Long Way


Every girl wants to meet her significant other in a way that will elicit that collective aww when recalled on her wedding day. The story about the time you met your future husband at the seedy dive bar because your college boyfriend broke up with you and you were desperate for a rebound? Ya, not so endearing to Grandma. Romance happens in cafes, in elevators or while volunteering at a benefit...

She's Doing Fine Ramblings of a Young and Restless

About Me

I'm a twenty-something who likes learning about people and writing about them.
