She's Doing Fine Ramblings of a Young and Restless

About me

Hey What’s Up Hello. It’s Me.


I’m a twenty-something who likes learning about people and writing about them. I am an extrovert on paper and an introvert in real life, but I am definitely not an extroverted introvert. Hobbies include extreme grouponing, studying menus and receiving massages. Inspired by funny women, David Sedaris and Harriet the Spy.




My boyfriend set up this blog for me and thinks I can fill in all these blurbs with quirky text but it’s 1 AM and I just cannot come up with anything.

Aaaand there’s a zero percent chance that I will fill in this space as well.

She's Doing Fine Ramblings of a Young and Restless

About Me

I'm a twenty-something who likes learning about people and writing about them.
